松 - pine tree -
¥110,000 税込
Title: 松 - pine tree -
Size: 530 × 530 mm (S10)
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Price: € 650 / ¥ 110,000-
木の王様」 、 「神が宿る木」と称され、 「松竹梅」でも知られるように縁起のよい木です。 樹齢数千年という松もあるため、不老長寿と結びつけられ、おめでたい行事に用いられます。2本1組となった葉は枯れ落ちても離れ離れにならないことから夫婦和合の象徴ともされています。
【English】The pine tree, which has green leaves throughout the year and has a long lifespan, is known as the``king of garden trees'' and ``the tree where the gods dwell, '' and is also known as
``Shochikubai. '' It is an auspicious tree. Some
pines are thousands of years old, so they are associated with eternal life and longevity, and are used for auspicious events. The leaves, which come in pairs, do not separate even when they wither and fall, making it a symbol of marital harmony.
EMI Exhibition in Paris
From 4 to 13 October 2024
Salle Royale de l’église de la Madeleine 75008 PARIS
パリ・マドレーヌ寺院 個展
2024.10.4-13 展示作品
¥110,000 税込