Emi Matsumoto┆Tokyo┆Painter
Influenced by my studies of 20th century art history as a student. I lived in France for a year to visit European art museums. I am self-taught and create my current works by switching between abstract and concrete, analog and digital. I like to create artworks that are "kind of cute" and "kind of addictive" in a simple style.
Rolling marbles ARTの作成には”ビー玉”を使用しています。はじめて自分で見つけた乳がんのしこりは、まるで”ビー玉”のような感触だったことがきっかけです。
乳がんの啓発運動であるピンクリボン活動などは盛んに行われています。しかしながら、実際に健康な身体の状態では、自分には関係のないことだと見過ごしてしまいがちだと思います。だからこそ、Rolling marbles art(ビー玉アート)を通じて、乳がんの啓発に繋げていきたいと考えています。作品を見て、何かを感じてくれた人が自分も検診に行ってみようかなというきっかけになることで早期発見に繋がることを願っています。
"Smile with art ♡ Filled with love and energy"
Since childhood, I've had a passion for drawing and art. As I grew older, I found myself choosing what could earn me a living over what I loved. Day by day, I commuted to work on the train, until my routine was disrupted by a diagnosis of breast cancer. This led me to question the essence of life and the joys it brings. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and soul-searching while undergoing treatment, eventually finding my way to the world of art.
I use marbles in the creation of Rolling Marbles ART, inspired by the sensation of a breast lump I had discovered, which felt like a marble. The marbles, rolling on the canvas with paints intertwined, create unpredictable and unique curves that resemble the lines of our individual lives. I add my own colors to these lines, breathing life into each piece. It's as if each curve represents a person's life, and I aim to infuse them with meaning through my artwork.
Breast cancer awareness campaigns like the Pink Ribbon initiative are prevalent, but often, when we are in good health, we tend to overlook their significance. That's why I hope to connect Rolling Marbles Art to breast cancer awareness. I hope that those who view my artwork and feel something will be inspired to consider going for regular check-ups, leading to early detection.
Let's enrich our hearts through art together and share the preciousness of life.